

unleash your most embodied erotic expression



7th August - 11th September

full body yes

Expressing, embodying, and empowering your sexuality is a powerful act of rewilding, remembering, reclamation, and revolution. It’s time we recovered our erotic feminine from the sin bin of society, misogyny, and the male gaze; honoured our bodies as portals of pleasure, and remembered our power as sexually expressed women.


Ready to unravel layers of shame to step fully up and into your sexual liberation, ask for what you want without fear of rejection, say YES to more pleasure by learning your turn-ons and turn-offs, become magnetic, in life and in the bedroom, look in the mirror and worship your reflection; have hot, fulfilling, toe-tingling sex, and devote yourself to your true erotic expression & sexual desire without guilt or self-judgement? Thought so.

The Erotic Feminine® is for the woman who wants to ooze sexual confidence, connect more deeply to her sensuality, awaken her primal erotic desires - and not be afraid to speak them out loud. She wants to embody the Sex Goddess she knows she is, peel away the self-consciousness, and re-ignite her libido. 

embrace & embody your erotic essence, unapologetically


It's time to feel confident to express yourself and your desires fully, ignite your orgasmic potential, drop deep into your desire, and switch on your sensuality & your pleasure.

Join this six week online journey where we'll be be exploring and embodying six core erotic archetypes and their energetic blueprints:

sensual maiden & erotic innocence

wild woman & erotic nature

sacred slut & erotic pleasure

seductress & erotic magnetism



Ready to meet the core six erotic feminine archetypes and their erotic energies?  Take my Erotic Feminine Archetype Quiz to discover who you are on a deeper level and learn more about your core erotic energy & archetype, or that which you desire to awaken.

Cynthia + Bryan

Jason + Matt

Kali + Koa


claiming it

emma, uk

"It uncovered layers of my erotic energy that I didn't know lay hidden away inside me. I feel like I have a much better understanding of my own energy, and feel a lot more confident in using it.. It delivered a LOT more than I expected. To be honest I didn't really know what to expect. Fiona has THE BEST playlists to bring out your sexual energy! I absolutely loved this program, and its had such an effect on me already. Fiona has created something really powerful, I want every womxn I know to do this course." 

divine, usa

"I am so grateful that I had a chance to receive a powerful life-changing experience. Your program opens me to seek within what lies behind the limiting beliefs. I finished this program empowered to honor the dark feminine, embodying the erotic, sensual and sexual expression without shame and guilt. Such an epic experience... Your work, your dedication, your passion will continue to awaken the Goddesses in all of us. You are truly amazing!!"

shayne, usa

"I absolutely loved working with Fiona. She creates such a safe container and I learned so much! After completing The Erotic Feminine, I felt empowered, powerful, sensual, sexy and more embodied than I've felt in a loooong time. She created a space in which I felt safe to tap into my inner essence of sacred sexuality and connect with other sisters who were doing the same. The course was pure magic and I would recommend working with Fiona to any woman who's interested!" 

nikki, usa

"My favorite part of the course was definitely the archetypes. Being able to learn about each one and embody her throughout the week and then bring them all together... learning who she was within myself, and then being able to express that with the weekly calls was incredibly powerful. Hearing other women and their take, what their struggles are, where it resonates, created a very deep insight into my own belief systems and blockages.


The Erotic Feminine   journey will teach you how to...

Speak Your Sexual Needs

De-Shame Your Desires

Awaken Archetypal Wisdom

Have a Hot AF Sex Life

Be More Shameless

Feel More Orgasmic

Surrender & Be Dominant

Re-Ignite Your Turn On

Love Yourself Fiercely

Embody Your Sexual Power

Hold Light & Dark Eros

Be More Body Confident

Explore Kink Culture

Feel Magnetic & Seductive

Give Less Fucks


say no more

6 x 90 Minute Pussy Temples (Online Activations) 

6 x Weekly Workbooks

Practices, Rituals, Archetypal Awakenings, Journal Prompts...

6 x Erotic Embodiment Playlists

what's included:


Pussy Coven Telegram Group

Online Content Portal (Teachable)

1) You're ready to explore your sexuality (free from victimhood and drama) and you're ready to unlock and liberate your embodied eros

2) You want to learn and embody the different erotic archetypes and energies within you as gateways to your fullest expression

3) You want to fully own your sexuality, pleasure, desires, curiosities, and explore the spectrum of light and dark eros

4) You're ready to commit time and energy to your sexual empowerment journey and show up for the work

5) You desire to be an active and supportive member of a sexy sisterhood (aka: Pussy Coven)

There's a place with you're name on it if...

doors open // doors open // doors open // doors open // doors open // doors open //doors open // doors open // doors open // doors open // doors open // doors open // doors open // doors open // doors open // doors open // doors open // doors open //

Erotic Feminine Archetypal Activations, Pleasure Rituals, Embodiment Practices, Weekly Dance Temple, Self-Guided Explorations, Shadow Work, Sex Magick, Pleasure Maps, Journal Prompts, Sharing Circles, Intimate Sisterhood, & so much more...

A Teaser Of What You'll Receive



PAY IN two


£350 x 2

PAY IN four

£175 x 4

Pussy Temple Schedule:

7th August: Sensual Maiden & Erotic Innocence
14th August: Wild Woman & Erotic Nature
21st August: Sacred Slut & Erotic Pleasure
28th August: Seductress & Erotic Magnetism
4th September: Dominatrix & Erotic Power
11th September: Tantric Queen & Erotic Spirit

All live calls will be Wednesdays, 4-6pm UK time on Zoom. Recommended to attend live for maximum vibes. Replays will be available in the Online Portal.

Let me tell you a bit about my story...

I used to be the woman who used her sexuality for validation. I used men (and dishonoured my body) to make me feel good. I dressed and exhibited myself for another's eye, rather than my own. My heart and pussy were in the wrong place - they were outwardly focussed, not inwardly. I seduced others to stroke my ego, rather than learn how to seduce myself first. I sourced my sexual satisfaction from without, rather than within. Yes there were boyfriends here and there, but I still wasn't showing up as my true authentic, sexually empowered self. I was making all the right sounds, wearing all the right things, saying yes to all the new positions... and while it may have looked like I was having fun - it wasn't all that great. I'd experience feeling of shame, of regret, of "what was that guy's name again?". The way I was in my sexuality was anything but sacred, and nothing like Sovereign.

Does that resonate?

Now, I thrive in my sexual confidence. I know exactly what I want and how to ask for it, both in the bedroom and in life (you see, the erotic energy is the same = it's life force). I am known for my unapologetic attitude (would it shock you to know I was very shy as a child?!), I deeply know my worth, I feel free to express myself how I want, I have a rich life of pleasure and turn on in the bedroom and in my business… so if it's possible for me it is for you, too.

I can't wait for you to meet, embody, & full express these powerful aspects of your Erotic Feminine & harness their powers for your own erotic empowerment, sexual confidence, & true self-love.

Fiona x

Frequently Asked Questions


Our first call is on Wednesday 7th August at 4pm UK (8am PST / 11am EST). The call schedule is 14th August, 21st August, 28th August, 4th September, & finally 11th September for our live pussy temples on Zoom. Calls will be recorded, however committing to be there live is how you will experience the most from this journey.


No. This is a sexual empowerment program that requires participants to have navigated through sexual trauma first, with a trained therapist. While the activations and practices will be trauma informed it is important that the participants know how to resource themselves to be able to experience this journey in a responsible way. Programs like this can be very powerful at supporting and alchemising past experiences and bringing you to a felt sense of completion and empowerment, however, this isn't the space to join if you have experienced recent active trauma that needs specialist attention.

is there 1:1 TIME wITH FIONA?

If you want to be supported 1:1 please email fiona@fionamccoss.com and ask for her availability. Alternatively, Fiona will be in the Pussy Coven community to answer any questions in Telegram and of course during the live calls. 

if i've already taken 'the erotic feminine' before can i do it again?

Yes! Each round is very different, and it influenced by the emergent energy within the group. You are guaranteed to learn something new each time, as well as receive new teachings from the live transmissions and energetic activations each week. This current round is the 4.0 version and has been refined, upgraded, updated, and improved. If you have been a part of The Erotic Feminine in previous years and would like to journey again at a discounted rate, please email fiona@fionamccoss.com and we would love to have you back in as an OG of the Pussy Coven!