

a five-week journey of dark feminine reclamation


now only £99

join she devil

You know you're the woman who has a swirling fire in your belly. Profanity drips on your tongue. You don't fit in any box. And you desire to use your feminine power for leadership, creativity, pleasure, influence, impact, and innovation - but you've always been told you're Too Much of it all. You know you're here to ruffle feathers; create a storm, awaken change. Now is the time to stop apologising. Your She Devil, the dark feminine nature within, is the thing you didn't know you needed to reclaim and remember so that you can thrive in your power, magick, mystery, and erotic magnetism as the woman, lover, leader, creatrix, visionary, disruptor that you are. She Devil is calling.


reclaim your most misunderstood dark feminine powers


This journey is a strong medicine for the woman who is tired of putting on a smile and saying Yes Sir Please Sir. It's a potent awakening for She who wants to be all of herself but still finds herself performing. It's a journey of No Return to the System of enslaved minds and controlled bodies.

Over five weeks, you will retrieve and reconcile with chained and shamed stories of what a "dark" and "unholy" woman was and turn them into strengths of psyche, body, and spirit to step unapologetically into your womanhood, alive in your wild, erotic, cyclical, intuitive, magnetic, and magickal powers. 

You need not be afraid. This is a reclamation of who you already are.

& DAngerous

DIRTY, dark,

"Her dark is nothing but her denied feminine. It is primal, not evil. As her fear is disappearing, she’s refusing to live in guilt anymore. She’s untangling from shame, the single most powerful weapon to chain her.  Her frequent journeys underground have revealed to her the immense power of the dark.  She’s discovering she was never evil." Sukhvinder Sircar

rhi, usa

"Nothing is ever the same after if you lean into Fiona's guidance and feminine intuition"

victoria, uk

"I apologise no more, I have boundaries. My foundations have never been more strongly grounded."

divine, usa

"I feel empowered to honor the dark feminine, embodying the erotic, sensual and sexual expression without shame."

em, uk

"I uncovered layers of my erotic energy that I didn't know lay hidden away inside me."

brooke, uK

"If you want authentic leadership, Fiona is the woman. She will hold you fiercly to where you want to go."


“I’ve never felt such a powerful transformational growth in such a short space of time."


You feel ashamed for sexual nature, kinks, and desires
You censor your values and appearance  to fit in
You have a fear of getting older and less attractive
You're disconnected from your blood and body
You have a painful sexual history
You have a fear of being "found out" by your community
You're afraid to reveal your magickal and psychic gifts
You're a bit Type-A, rigid, and obsessed with order
You're desperate to not be single and become a “spinster”
You're cold and closed off to attraction and intimacy


she devil

Let's return to our power.
Are you ready for the shadow work?

All of us have inherited She Devil wounds through living in a Patriarchal world and having to disown, deny, and disconnect from our innate "unholy" dark feminine. Which ones feel the most painful...


i'm ready

We were told to chase the light, the love, to look pretty, be meek and well behaved. We have been told to avoid the darkness. We've been told to deny our gifts and powers. We've been taught to disconnect. To disembody. But we're in denial; our darkness must be integrated. We must return to our truth. We must descend

Dare to dance with your She Devil. To strip yourself bare of the chains of Patriarchal conditioning that tells you you're "wrong". Throw resistance onto the fire and watch it burn. We will rise as the She Devils we are. Dark, dirty, and divine, mystical, magickal. That is your power. That is your truth.



give it to me

“I am outspoken in my beliefs and DNGAF what anyone thinks”
“I feel 10x more confident in my body and I love what I see in the mirror”
“I know exactly how to ask for what I want and I know my worth without a doubt”
“I feel hot AF and I am dripping with confidence and turning heads wherever I go”
“My erotic and creative expression has a new authentic edge and everyone can feel it”
“I’m taking up more space and I’m trailblazing my truth in a new way”
“I surrender to each death and rebirth and trust the mystery with ease”



It's time to celebrate our wild chaos, the cycles of death and rebirth, the deep void between our legs, our erotic desire.  It's time to be the devil on the shoulder of the collective Good Girl and tempt her into truth. It's time to tear off the veils of illusion and let the world know what a fully expressed woman, in her shameless dark spectrum, feels like in her power. 

Trust intuitive hits and use spells for success.

1. Wild Woman

Dark Feminine activations:

2. witch




3. hag

Make bold moves and claim your territory.

Surrender to the death and rebirth.

Share your skills shamelessly (in bed & biz).

Know you have what everyone wants.

let us overthrow the pain, shame, and blame of being a powerful dark feminine woman and let the world feel the might of her unleashed & unapologetic.

5 x 90 Minute Dark Feminine Archetype Transmissions (Pre-Recorded)

5 x Weekly Workbooks

Practices, Rituals, Archetypal Awakenings, Journal Prompts...

5 x Erotic Embodiment Playlists

What's included:


Online Content Portal (Thinkific)

Exclusive Offer

on sale for a limited time only (normally £666)



*this is a self-paced program

Your Dark Feminine Priestess, Fiona

Nine years ago I had no idea what “Dark Feminine” was. I had no idea that this wellspring of power lay within me. I had no idea of the depth of my feminine potential.

I was completely disconnected from my authentic embodied current, I used and abused my body, I exchanged it with whoever and whenever, I ignored the wild cries of nature living in a city and running the rat race, I handed over my power in an emotionally manipulative relationship which fuelled a fury I had to shove deep down, I was living a split life because I didn’t know how to integrate my truth into the life in which I felt I “should” live.

Then in 2015 I began to feel the stirrings of something big. I began to feel the clawing of a truth deep inside me that I couldn’t ignore. I began to realise that actually I had the key to my own liberation. I didn’t need to wait for someone to give it to me, or blame someone else for taking it away.

When I started devoting to this new energy within me (which I now know was my Dark Feminine) and really listening to what I knew to be true, everything changed.

It was my Wild Woman who came for me first. Tearing off the veil of illusion and reminding me of my authentic self. And it all was leading me to this moment.

I left London behind and I became a digital nomad. I met my future life-partner within a month of leaving. I pivoted my career and found the world of facilitation and feminine embodiment. I started my own business which blew up over Covid as I unleashed my truth all over the internet. I went viral and grew 16,000 followers in one year because of stepping into my Dark Feminine truth. I honoured the yearnings of my erotic current and held space for all my desires to be seen. I healed my Witch Wound and let my voice be heard far and wide...

So here’s the truth bomb: your Dark Feminine power isn’t something to “have” or to “gain” but it’s something to return to. And it's not "bad" or "wrong"; it's divine and sacred. Let me guide you home...


Frequently Asked Questions

When does it start?

The first week's content drops on Thursday 31st October (starting with the Wild Woman). Following that, each Thursday you'll receive another week's content until the 28th November. Or you can move through the course at leisure and digest in your own time as a more spacious self-paced course.


The weekly transmissions are pre-recorded, however there is a live element of the course in the form of the live Coven created on Facebook. This is where you will have access to Fiona for weekly integrations, Q&As and for community support and sisterhood.


You will have access to the course content and FB Group for a year from the start date so 31st October 2025.