Facilitator & Leadership Training




Join the 2025 Waitlist

feeling this

The WILD FEMININE woman is ready to add more tools to her toolbox, ready to hone her mastery, sharpen her skills, deepen her wisdom, become even more embodied in her craft. She is ready to take her leadership and her facilitation to the next level. She wants to take women even deeper, hold more potent spaces, and create even more transformation within her clients and community. a rebel at heart. And she likes to do things her way. She follows the beat of her own drum. She is hungry for depth. She knows her power. She is the woman of the revolution. She knows she is here for big things. She wants to set the world on fire. And she is ready to step it up and pave the way. She is ready to get certified as a Wild Feminine Facilitator.

Learn the wild feminine arts. Step into your leadership. Gain crystal clear clarity on what you are here to offer and how. Create a transformational Body of Work. Your dream clients are waiting for you...

deepen your understanding of the feminine and the body to be able to support clients more deeply
fill in the gaps and flesh out your work; you want to be able to offer more than just “coaching”
go from “good” to “best” and become a practiced and potent space-holder for deep, rich, and impactful work
start offering deeper and higher-quality experiences (in person and online) because you dream of one day holding a retreat or even running your own training
offer your clients and community “your unique edge” based on tried and tested practices creating a modality and body of work that's your own
take yourself and your gifts more seriously; now is the time to hone, refine, and trust your magick and medicine and bring it out into the world louder and prouder
stand apart in the crowded industry and create work and offerings that are edge-pushing, innovative, and never-been-seen-before



this is the year of edges, expansion, & eros

is for you if you are ready to...

omg yes

month 1: body

wild body

wild feminine

month 2: pleasure

wild honey

month 3: sex

wild eros

month 4: expression

wild fire

month 5: leadership

wild devotion

After completing this Training you will know exactly what you're here to do and how to do it; you'll have gathered a vast embodied toolkit of practices and offerings to share with the world and in your own way. You'll have deeper trust in your ability to hold transformational spaces and your connection to your creative channel and inner creatrix will be on fire, with a deeper and unshakeable knowing of your why, your how, and you will have fully stepped into your unique leadership and facilitation style. Are you ready to become "the one" your clients have been waiting for?

show me the medicine


Cynthia + Bryan

Jason + Matt

Kali + Koa

Join the Waitlist

Sign up to be the first-to-know about the January 2025 cohort and first access to applications with an exclusive Waitlist Discount.

cici, uk

"I feel like I'm walking onwards with so much momentum and power behind me and with the clarity I needed."


In month one we will be anchoring into the foundations of embodiment and the female body. You will learn how to support women to access and embody their authentic wild expression for self-empowerment and self-connection. You will learn about somatics, the nervous system and nervous system regulating practices; the essentials of menstrual empowerment, blood mysteries, and womb wisdom; the pain body and how to unlock stored memory and expression. We will spend a month with the Wild Woman Archetype and Earth elements, exploring how this energy of the feminine wants to weave through and ground your leadership and facilitation. Practically, you will learn how to take women through a transformational wild embodied journey to access their untamed expression to meet and channel this potent primal energy within.

Feminine Embodiment Foundations + Practice
Somatics and Nervous System Regulation
Trauma Sensitive Facilitation
Emotional Alchemy
Blood mysteries and menstrual empowerment
Primal movement and expression
Learn to teach a WILD BODY® inspired practice of your own



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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.



Month two will explore subtle feminine energy activation, sensual embodiment, sensuality, pleasure, and pleasure activism. You will learn key feminine and tantric practices to awaken the sensual and pleasure body and how to weave them within your own work and clients in a powerful and sensitive way. You will learn how to inspire and reconnect to erotic innocence, how to increase sensitivity through subtle energy work and gentle self-guided practices for sensual self-nourishment and receptivity. We will spend a month with the Lover Archetype and Water elements, exploring how this energy of the feminine wants to guide and inspire your leadership and facilitation. Practically, you will learn how to guide women into sensual movement to unlock more pleasure and move energy through their body, as well as create and guide pleasure practices and rituals.

Feminine Sensuality Foundations
Anatomy of Arousal + Sensual Self-Nourishment
Pleasure Practices
Erotic Innocence
Sensual Expansion and Embodiment
Different styles of sensual movement and expression
Learn to teach a WILD HONEY® Pleasure Practice of your own



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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.



Month three is all about feminine erotic energy and expression, pussy power, sacred sexuality and sexual sovereignty, erotic and creative magnetism, as well as new paradigm feminine business. You will learn how to inspire erotic activations and awakenings, the principles of erotic embodiment and how to awaken erotic energy through ancient tantric and Taoist practices for deep connection to the body and erotic energy. You will learn through embodied exploration the different types of female orgasm and deeper into sacred female anatomy. We will spend a month with the Seductress and the Whore Archetypes and Water and Fire elements, learning how these feminine blueprints are ready to activate and inspire your magnetic leadership and facilitation. Practically, you will learn how to guide women into erotic embodiment to awaken their erotic (life force) energy, as well as create and guide pussy awakening practices.

Erotic Feminine Energy
Sacred Sexuality Practices (Tantra & Tao)
Female Orgasm
De-armouring + Self-Massage
Yoni Egg + Pussy Pleasure
Different styles of erotic awakening and embodiment
Learn to teach a WILD EROS® sexual awakening practice of your own



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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.



Month four will take you into your fierce and unapologetic authentic self-expression and how that translates into your facilitation and leadership style (and even brand). You will turn on your impact, dial up your voice, and ignite your creativity. You will learn how to support women to unblock their channels of self-expression through the body and the struggles that commonly arise, personally and within the collective. We will spend a month with the Creatrix Archetype and Fire and Air elements, exploring how your own creativity, “cuntent”, and how you sell and market your work, as well as influence your magnetic leadership and facilitation. Practically you'll  guide the Trailblazers, the women who are here to pave the way, and light shit up while cultivating your unique and provocative DNGAF marketing and messaging that sets the world ablaze with your Big Pussy Energy and innovative creativity. 

Authentic + Unapologetic Self-Expression
Creative Feminine Anatomy
Awakening Creative Channel + Big Pussy Energy
Bigger and Bolder Impact and Influence
Turning on your marketing, Viral Visioning and Messaging
Different kinds of self-expression and radical authenticity
Create a WILD FIRE® inspired offering of your own



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.



For our final month you'll be laying down your legacy unapologetically. We will be integrating the WILD FEMININE® experience through devotion to your Big Vision and creating a body of work that is representative of your unique facilitation and leadership style and skills. You will learn your Woman On Top energy, how to weave in dark feminine cyclical and seasonal strategy into planning your business and offerings for the year; and you will hone your skills into a medicine bag and transformational tool kit that you can go on to share with others. You will learn how to structurally lay the groundwork for a solid and strategic business, for yourself and your clients; you will become proficient at running your wild feminine business in a nourishing, sustainable, and inspiring and feminine-centered way, and share what you’ve learnt with your clients. We will spend a month with the Priestess Archetype and Ether element to take your leadership and facilitation into new dimensions, inspired by the divine, and the devotional. 

Devotional spaces, ritual, and facilitation
Curating a Body of Work
Stepping into Next-Level Leadership
Inspiring different leadership + facilitation styles
Implementing Structure and Feminine Foundations (Business)
Feminine cyclical and seasonal strategy
Create a WILD DEVOTION® inspired offering of your own



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.



Monthly Schedule:

Call 1: Training Call
Call 2: Shared Practice Call
Call 3: Community & Group Coaching Call
Call 4: Guest Teacher

What's included

5 x Live Training Calls
5 x Live Demo Practices/Rituals
5 x Guest Teacher Training Calls
2 x 1:1 Calls with Fiona
5 x Training Manuals
Online Portal of Training Material
WILD FEMININE® Community Group
WILD FEMININE® Training Certificate (upon completion)

show me the medicine

spend five months learning wild feminine embodiment practices, womb wisdom work, women's tantric massages, pleasure awakening, nervous system regulation, sexual de-armouring, erotic activation,  feminine archetypes, magnetic marketing, authentic messaging, feminine leadership skills, embodied business,  shadow work & brave self-inquiry, transformational facilitation...and more

i want this

Fiona McCoss, Lead Facilitator & Teacher

WILD FEMININE® Facilitator Training is the culmination of my all my gathered knowledge from the past seven years of experience in holding transformational 1:1 space, curating powerful online programs, running life-changing retreats, hosting sell-out events, creating a 27k+ online community, building a six-figure biz, and serving hundreds of women from all around the world online and in person.

This - my obsession with the body, women, and group work - made itself clear in 2018 in the jungle of Costa Rica when a chain of events changed the course of my life. My soulless corporate job became a distant memory as I turned to teaching daily yoga classes and running women's circles - and that was my gateway drug in and the start of turning my attention towards the work I offer now.

Since liberating myself from the cage of conformity and expectations, I've been carving and creating my own way of doing things over the years. And now, for the first time ever, I'm sharing it all with you in this Certification Training.

I've never liked being told what to do. I'm never satisfied with "just enough" and surface level bores me. I wanna go deep. I wanna break the moulds. And by letting my Wild Muse inspire me... that's exactly what happens. So I assume, if you're reading this, you feel that, too?

Fiona x

more about fiona

You’ll unleash your creative potential, sharing your message and mission louder and wider than ever before as you are nurtured and inspired to rise into a well-sourced, tool-box-full, grounded, magnetic AF, authentic and unapologetic revolutionary voice and visionary in your field. All this, and more, all in one place, over five months. This Training will support you to craft and master a tool box and medicine bag full of practices, ideas, inspiration for not just yourself, but your clients. This isn’t just a radical growth-injection for you and your own leadership but the impact and quality of your spaces and client experiences will shift dramatically before your very eyes. Upon completion of this five month training, plus assessment, you will receive a 100hr WILD FEMININE® Leadership & Facilitation Training Certificate.

My vision for WILD FEMININE® has collective transformation at its heart. The intention is anchored in the vision of supporting feminine leaders and embodied facilitators into their fullest, most potent capacity as unique and powerful space holders who want to make a huge impact, earn a more-than-well-paid living, and set the world on fire with their work. This offering is my most high-impact-making, life-changing, income-dripping, paradigm shifting, wild and unapologetic feminine energy awakening *chefs kiss*.  I will be sharing powerful core feminine practices, leadership codes, wild and erotic embodiment work, and juicy activations. You will learn how to take your offerings to the next-level, fully claim your gifts and wisdom, step into “the name” in your field; you’ll learn how to create potent embodied journeys for your clients, how to hold responsible and transformative space; how to create deeply embodied bespoke offerings that are unique to you. 


the world needs

Close your eyes and imagine...

You constantly have testimonials and glowing referrals that speak to the quality of work you offer; transformation speak for itself; you facilitate experiences that literally change people's lives (you know because they tell you). Your clients are constantly coming back for more because of the radical shifts inside your containers. You’re a known name in your field and all around the world for how influential and inspiring your work is. You’re dripping with downloads and creative ideas; sky is the limit. Your own relationship with your body, sex, and power is the deepest and truest it’s ever been and you're able to take clients even deeper into theirs because of it. You are so confident in your ability, no more Impostor Syndrome. You’re aligned completely to the feminine way and no longer experience the chaotic cycles of hustle and burn out that leave you frazzled and exhausted. Your offerings are next-level and you have growing waitlists of women wanting to work with you. You're obsessed with the business you've made for yourself and you’re living your best life. You thought you'd have to wait years to feel what you feel, but nope. It's now, baby. All because you said “I'm ready for more”.

ready for this

Join the Waitlist

Sign up to be the first-to-know about the 2025 cohort and first access to applications with an exclusive Waitlist Discount.

sign me up


"It’s not an exaggeration nor a cliché to say that nothing is ever the same after if you lean into (Fiona's) guidance and feminine intuition and allow her to stir things awake within you."


"There are absolutely no words to describe how transformational this experience has been... my business has quite literally exploded."


"Thank you for reminding me that I get to be my biggest fucking permission slip. It's like I've become a whole new person. You have activated and lead me into so much profound unravelling and reclamation."

A whole NEW

"The biggest shift was the feeling of fullness again... I went from feeling stuck, disconnected and frustrated, blocked; to alive, powerful, free, liberated and expansive."

alive, powerful,

Frequently Asked Questions


The next Training will run early 2025. Join the Waitlist to be first to know the details and dates.

Will there be assessments?

Yes, each month there will be a short written and practical assessment required. Upon completion of the month training, plus assessment, you will receive a WILD FEMININE® Training 100 Hour Certificate.

How many hours will I have to spend on the training and materials?

You are asked to spend at least 5 hours a week on the training; divided into attending calls, reading material, in practice, engaging in the group, on assessment, any partner work, 1:1s… That’s only one hour a day (Mon-Fri) if you look at it that way which is completely do-able!

do i get any 1:1 time with fiona?

There are 2 x 1:1 Check In calls with me included in the Training but If you choose to Pay in Full you get monthly 1:1s as a bonus to go even deeper with tailored support all the way through.

victoria, uk

"I learnt to be more intimate with myself in ways I have never before. Now I own my sexuality and myself with pride... I apologise no more, I have boundaries. My foundations have never been more strongly grounded. Fiona's guidance and mentorship is full of love, wild appreciation for all and she gives so much. I felt witnessed, held, safe, but also championed. She looks into what you really need and pulls out cards of wisdom that will blow your body and mind."

grace, canada

"You are such a powerful guide and I honestly can’t speak highly enough of you. These past three months have changed my life for-ev-er and I am a stronger and MUCH more embodied, self-devoted woman because of you. The things you teach are priceless. I’m more connected with my body, womb, pussy, and all around feminine intuition and energy."

tansy, uk

"I have awakened my sexual, sensual self once more, a part I thought I had lost through becoming a Mother. I feel a sense of aliveness and vibrancy I didn't have before. My confidence has increased and I definitely give far less fucks about a tonne of stuff that may have bothered me before. This work has fired up my identity as a woman."