
turn it on // show it off // open wide...


12-week Mistressmind for pleasure-based business & erotic artistry

Creatrixes, coaches, badass feminine leaders, embodiment queens, you are invited into a next-level, high-touch, high-impact Group Coaching Vortex (aka Mistressmind) that will lovingly spank and inspire you to turn on your visions, dreams, desires, creations, impact, and magnetism like never before.

I’m so turned on by turned-on women; rich in ideas, abundant in vision, and unapologetic in their power and mission and creativity. And I want to see more of you out there. Come spend 12-weeks growing your business lady boner (and bank account), channelling your erotic expression, creating new offers, and embodying some sexy feminine leadership energy. 

We begin on 2nd April - 18th June.

sex + business have a lot in common


 If you're doing business without pleasure and eros, no wonder it feels like it's not working

get on top and fuck the life out of your passion + purpose

But I get it, you feel a bit stuck in your business and you're wondering why you just can't shift the needle. You feel bleugh in your body and just don't feel motivated or inspired to create anything. You see everyone talking about their money milestones and you just don't understand why you're not there yet. You keep finding yourself stuck in the same place with the same struggles and saboteurs... You want everything to feel easier and sexier so you can lean back and chill out. So what are you waiting for? This is the space you need to be.

Erotic Business is less about "strategy" and more about embodiment. If you're not dripping wet for your own work... no one else will be

If you don't dare to explore your expression and push the edges  things get a little dry and dull. Erotic energy and creative energy are the same thing. Let's get you wet and your clients even wetter.


The first month is focussed on turning on your creative and erotic energy to channel it into your creations, offerings, and business.


The second month is about erotic expression, embodying erotic confidence, and sharing your voice and gifts unapologetically.


The final month closes with the sacred exchange and mastering your erotic magnetism to receive all you desire for your work.




Three phases
of Erotic Business


sam altieri, biz coach (usa)

"From averaging $10k months to now
averaging $20-$30k..."

There are absolutely no words to describe how transformational this experience has been... my business has quite literally exploded. Fiona helped me find the sneaky perfectionism and people pleasing tendencies that were sabotaging me in life and business.

jade dallas, tantric bodyworker (australia)

"I had my biggest
week ever in business...
I'm blown away."

I feel like I am riding this wave of possibility and pure excitement for all the things I'm creating in my life! It's like I've become a whole new person... I have attracted some insane amazing clients who are wanting to book me in again straight away.

rebecca young, coach (uk)

"it's like i'm a
magnet to the most
amazing clients"

Our work together has been transformational. The way you've called me in to my greatness has been so healing. My clients are also having the most amazing shifts because of our work and the new energy I'm feeling. Just, thank you.

so get your sweet peach in here if you're ready to

A 12-week Mistressmind inspired to activate  your creativity, business, and leadership

Dial up your Magnetism

Ignite your Creativity

Sell with Confidence

Do it Your Way

Make More $$$$$

Have More Fun

Lean Back and Receive

Share your Work Shamelessly

Sign More Clients

Embody Erotic Feminine Leadership

Calibrate to More Success

Run a Pleasure-Based Business

10 x 2-Hour High-Touch Group Coaching Calls (Online)

Weekly Challenges and Practices

Business Tips, Tricks, & Turn On Tools

Erotic Business Telegram (Coaching + Hype)

What's included:


Pay In Full: 1 x 1:1 call with Fiona

This IS for you if:

You're ready to ignite your (self)leadership energy and make some big moves in biz

You're ready to calibrate to more money and more success

You're ready to feel lit up with fire, energy, motivation, and sexual energy

You're ready to sell with ease and enjoy every part of your business process

You're not ready to be teased to your edges and look at your limits

You're not ready for big growth and big change (you kinda wanna stay the same)

You're not ready to be supported by a hype gang of inspiring successful women 

You're not ready to shift out of scarcity and into pleasure and abundance

This is NOT for you if:


I have grown an online following to over 27k organically. I have a flexible schedule allowing me to work when I want and go to the spa on Fridays. I magnetise the most bomb ass babes into my spaces. I am dripping with downloads and creative inspiration that isn't waiting for permission or a new trend. I stay heart-centred and bring the heat. I'm a leader in my field of the wild feminine arts. I have a yummy bank balance where I can book spontaneous holidays to Bali. How? News flash: there is no secret formula. It's all embodiment, eros, unapologetic creative liberation, confidence, self-knowing, and my feminine energy. It’s channelling the unapologetic essence of *me* (no one else). This is what I'm here to remind you of. Come, let me show you...

business gets to feel soo damn good


Six figures, international retreats, sold out offerings, waitlists for my work... it gets to be yours, too

claim it: i run an Erotic Business. i am dripping with creative downloads. i sell with ease and receive with pleasure. my work turns me on. i am a money magnet. clients keep coming back for more....

turn it on, show it off, open wide...

erotic business

DOORS ARE NOW CLOSED. join the waitlist.

Hi, I'm Fiona

Truth-speaker, activator,
no BS-taker, wild, sensual, & loving leader of the unapologetic feminine

I am known for leading women to their edges, invoking the dark and the divine. I'm not afraid to activate you - that's my job (and I love it). Stick around if you get a kink out of the subversive⁠⁠, if you're done with the tidy boxes of the conventional⁠, and you speak the language of the untameable. I'll seduce you into wildly loving yourself, fully claiming your desires, and taking up space boldly and brazenly. Want to know more...?


Frequently Asked Questions

when does it start?

We kick off on the 2nd April with our first group Mistressmind call. The last call is on 18th June.

what is the call schedule & time?

Calls will be on Tuesdays alternating 10am UK and 4pm UK. There are 10 total calls, with 2 weeks off for integration and embodiment. Schedule sent out upon joining.

will the calls be recorded if i can't make it live?

Yes, all the calls are recorded and will be housed in a private Erotic Business portal on Teachable with other supporting materials that you will have access to for a year.

do we get 1:1 calls included?

If you Pay in Full you get a BONUS 1:1 call with Fiona to be claimed anytime within the 12-weeks.

how do the payment plans work?

You confirm your space with a payment of a payment plan (three or six months). The subsequent payments will be taken out on the same day you made the first payment for the remaining months of the plan. Cancellation of the plan is not permitted.